Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Why You Should Attend A+ Tutoring College Station TX

Why You Should Attend A+ Tutoring College Station TXA+ Tutoring College Station TX is one of the most prestigious tutoring centers in the world. The A+ Tutoring College Station TX training center is only accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Higher Education (ACE). The campus is located in College Station, Texas and is dedicated to providing professional tutoring services.Some of the areas of specialization offered by the A+ Tutoring College Station TX are psychology, international business, science, and English. It also offers an extensive array of online training programs and a variety of online tutoring classes.Students can use the courses at A+ Tutoring College Station TX for a variety of reasons. The courses are used by graduate students and other professionals. In addition, there are a variety of online classes that are offered by the tutoring center to help students to further their education.A+ Tutoring College Station TX offers tutoring services for both a variety o f personality types and individuals from a variety of backgrounds. It is not uncommon for students to enroll at the college as a personal project, with the idea of later progressing to a degree.Many of the course offerings are geared towards helping students to develop the basic skills needed to succeed in a university career. Students who are looking to further their education while still working may choose from different subjects offered. Students who have recently graduated from high school or who are currently enrolled in high school may also find it beneficial to choose these online classes.The many opportunities available at A+ Tutoring College Station TX may be appealing to students who are considering a college program or an advanced degree. If you are a high school senior or a student who is going into the first year of college, the college may be a good choice for you. Also, if you are interested in continuing your education at an online college or university, A+ Tutoring College Station TX may be a good option for you.When choosing a college or university, it is important to compare the various resources and programs offered by each. If you are planning on attending an online college or university, a decision regarding which college or university to attend will depend upon your specific needs.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Travel English Spoken English in Dublin, Ireland

Travel English Spoken English in Dublin, Ireland Dublin, Irelands capital city, is known for it particular vocabulary that is quite different to that spoken in the rest of the country.Here is a travel English guide to help you out if you are planning a trip there.SocialWhat’s the story means how are you?The Temple Bar in Dublin, Ireland.If someone wants to know how you are you might hear, Is it yourself?Come here till I tell ya means someone is trying to tell you a juicy piece of gossip.Food and DrinkScoops refers to alcoholic beverages.Dutchie is Dutch Gold, an inexpensive beer generally consumed from a can.If you are out for a heavy night’s drinking you are said to be on the lash or on the tear.Locked or gargled means drunk.A sandwich is a sambo.RandomDubliners are known for giving names to their monuments. These are always in rhyming slang. The best example of this is The Tart with the Cart (Molly Malone statue on Grafton Street).A native Dubliner is called a dub.D4 head refers to a person from the affluent Dublin 4 suburb w ith their characteristic accent, attitudes and lifestyle.Aul one means an older woman.Aul fella is used to refer to an older man.Culchie is used to refer to a person from urban and rural Ireland outside of Dublin.A ginger is a person with red hair.A foreigner is called a blow in.A person who is angry is said to be cheesed off.An eccentric man is called a quare fella.Jam jar means a car.Joe maxi is rhyming slang for a taxi.If something takes a long time, it is said to take ages.If someone says be wide, it means be careful.If something is great, it is called rapid or deadly.If someone is tired, they will say they are knackered.An idiot is called a spa or a dope.ATMs are known as drink links as they are often the last stop before a trip to the pub.If someone says fair play it means well done.To gawk means to look.A rainy day is called a soft day.If someone says the Craic was 90, it means the party was a lot of fun.Since we are talking about Dublin lets listen to one of the citys most f amous musical exports, U2 with One.Did you find this blog helpful? Feel free to share it on Facebook and Twitter.

Remembering Sunscreen Talking About Our Fears For The Future in English

Remembering Sunscreen Talking About Our Fears For The Future in English In our conversations in English we almost always talk about our hopes and wishes for the future. Talking about our fears and worries for the future is another important part of language.Let’s explore this now.What words should I use? To talk about our fears we can say…I worry that (or I am worried that)…I am afraid that….I am fearful that…I am scared that…orI am concerned about…I am anxious about…I am apprehensive about…I am uneasy about…I am nervous about…..What are your fears?Some possible global fears include:The international recession,The rising cost of living,The environmental disasters currently ravaging the planet,The pollution of rivers and oceans.Some possible personal fears include:Bad health,Credit card debt,Relationship problems,Not achieving our professional goals.Expressing our fearsWhen we use the word that in our expressions, it is usually followed by the verb to be:I worry that the economic recession will not improve.I am afraid that the cost o f living will keep rising.However, when we use about, we do not use the verb to be:I am apprehensive about credit card debt.I am uneasy about the future of my relationship.Here is a hit song about dealing with our worries for the future, Baz Luhrmann’s Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen).What does Luhrmann say about worrying about the future?What are the pieces of advice listed in the song that you find most helpful?Did you find this blog interesting? Feel free to share it on Facebook.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

7 Ideas to Create Christmas Holiday Traditions As a Family While Maintaining Math and Reading Skills - ALOHA Mind Math

7 Ideas to Create Christmas Holiday Traditions As a Family While Maintaining Math and Reading Skills ALOHA Mind Math Centers gives 7 ideas to create Christmas holiday traditions as a family and maintain math skills and reading skills over Christmas vacation. It is best to plan ahead before the children ask for something to do. 1.Celebrate cultures and end of the year celebrations. Go to the library to learn about how other cultures celebrate the holidays. Write a summary and compare select ones to your own celebrations. 2.Visit a local museum. Most museums offer tours, while others offer learning and fun activities for children. Ahead of time tell the children to select three things to study during their visit. Afterwards they tell which three items were selected, why each were chosen, and talk about their three selections in detail. 3.See a festive play or musical. What a better way to get into the holiday spirit than attending “The Christmas Carol” or another fine arts performance? 4.Write thank you notes. Some children dread doing this so make it fun. Play Christmas carols, make hot chocolate, and help them write thank you notes to everyone who gave them a gift. If the child is too young, write it for them and help them hold the pencil and attempt to write their name. This is a becoming a lost etiquette practice due to email and texting. Sending a thank you is a business necessity and just as important in personal relationships. Besides everyone loves being the receiver of a thank you note. 5.Take a tour of the local ALOHA Mind Math Center. Hours over the holidays may vary. Aloha Mind Math, Waltham (Photo credit: Joel Abroad) 6.Turn looking at holiday lights into a math game. Maintain math skills while touring the neighborhood or city, count the number of reindeer and Santa Claus seen. For every reindeer they receive one point and for every Santa Claus they receive two points. 7.Create a book celebrating the year. Tell and illustrate touching moments, highlights, and lessons learned throughout the year. This activity maintains reading skills, writing skills, and relives special moments and milestones. The holidays can be hectic, then everything winds down and sometimes children get restless. Crafting plans ahead of time can make the vacation break run much smoother and bring the family closer together. Enhance children’s learning, improve and maintain math, reading skills, and writing by visiting the nearest centerALOHA Mind Math.

Tapping into language learning while you sleep

Tapping into language learning while you sleep The idea of using the 7+ hours a night of sleep time to subliminally study isn’t new, but recent research shows that there may be more value in our down time after all, specifically when it comes to learning a new language. A team of Swiss psychologists from the Swiss National Science Foundation performed a study to learn whether listening to a foreign language while you sleep will boost your ability to learn. Their findings suggest that the answer is yes, because it helps resurrect memories and experiences from your learning process.To test their theory, psychologists involved 60 German-speaking volunteers in their study of whether listening to verbal cues while sleeping improves a learner’s vocabulary. Participants were given a number of Dutch words for the first time around 10 pm. Shortly thereafter, half of the participants were asked to go to sleep, and while they slept the new words were played back to them. The other half stayed up to listen to the words as they were playe d back to them. At 2 am, the two test groups reconvened in order to be tested on the words. The group that was asked to go to sleep could recall the German definition for each Dutch word more easily than those that were kept awake. The playback actually had no effect on the group that was asked to stay awake. The research team concluded that verbal cueing while awake failed to improve memory.To rule out sleep deprivation as the reason for the sleeping group’s greater success rate, the research team took Electroencephalography (EEG) recordings, which record the brain's spontaneous electrical activity over a short period of time, in order to measure the volunteers’ brain activity as they listened to the playback of the words while they slept. The recordings revealed obvious activity in the brain’s parietal lobe, which is responsible for processing language and sensory information. Theta oscillations, a type of EEG feedback, were also recorded, and these are associated with memor y encoding when people are awake. Researchers concluded that these findings suggest that the same brain activity can occur even while we’re sleeping, which can help strengthen memories.If you’re a teacher who’s just been placed abroad and you’re looking for ways to learn some of the local language more quickly, integrating more audio into your sleep might be a good way to get a head start. Relistening to language podcasts while you sleep could prove helpful. You can also combine some advice from one of our previous blogs with these research findings and use the time you take to get some shuteye to also listen to music in the local language. Happy learning!

Ask a Nerd! Are the SAT and ACT Similar by TutorNerds

Ask a Nerd! Are the SAT and ACT Similar by TutorNerds Ask a Nerd! Q: I am thinking of taking both the SAT and ACT; are they pretty much the same? Brief: No! The SAT and ACT are two very different exams with two different test prep strategies. The essay structures are extremely different, the timing of the tests is different and the scoring is completely different. You should definitely tell your Irvine private test prep tutor if you plan to take both exams in the same year so that s/he can help you separate the two (READ: Ask a Nerd! What Kind of Tech Should I Use to Study). Answer The SAT and ACT are two very different exams. Although there are several differences, a few are highlighted here to help you get started: The SAT vs. the ACT essay The essays require different structures and are graded based upon different criteria (READ: 8 SAT Essay Tips). Many students find the ACT essay to have a simpler format but this doesn’t necessarily make it easier. How you will perform on each essay depends upon who you are as a writer. Ask your Orange County test prep tutor (schedule yours now before its too late!) to explain the differences to you and help you go back and forth from one writing style to the other. I don’t recommend taking both tests in the same month. It is too easy to get the two exams confused. The timing of the sections The SAT has 25 minute, 20 minute, and a 10 minute section. You will need to switch back and forth from math to English several times throughout the test, meaning that your right and left brains need to work in unison. The sections of the ACT are longer; writing, reading and English are between 30 and 45 minutes while the sole math section is 60 minutes long. This means that once you are done with math, you won’t have to go back and do it again (our Irvine math tutors will increase your confidence). Mad Science (Reasoning Section) The ACT has a science reasoning section, which the SAT does not have. Many test-takers and Irvine science tutors view the science reasoning section as a logic test that has nothing to do with science. Each student will attack and conquer this section differently and I suggest that you ask your tutor for special test prep techniques that are unique to this section (READ: ACT Aspire: What is it?). Scoring The highest score (a completely perfect score) on the SAT is a 2400. The current average score is around 1500 to 1550. Most universities (including the university of California, Irvine) are looking for scores around 1850 for acceptance. Of course this varies by state. If you want to get into an Ivy League school or a school just below the Ivy League, you will need to shoot for a 2000-2300 (Yikes!).                                                   Image Via Michael Jung The top score you can get on the ACT is a 36 (READ: A Timeline Study Guide for the SAT). The rumored score to get into university of California, Irvine is 23. If you want to get into Harvard, the rumored score is between 31 and 35 (Yikes!). A few things are the same To do really well on your SAT and your ACT exams you will need to do a few things. Take lots and lots of practice tests Get a tutor who specializes in test prep Work really, really hard Take the real test two or even three times Apply the techniques that your test prep tutor gives you Have a question for one of our nerds? Tweet it to us @TutorNerds. Give yourself the TutorNerds advantage by checking back often for the latest in our “Ask a Nerd” series. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about. The beginning of a new school year is crucial for establishing a strong academic performance. In other words, if your child wants to reach his or her potential, they can’t fall behind from the start. Hiring an Orange County private tutor is much more than extra academic help, it’s a confidence boost. Have your child be the first to raise their hand in the classroom by hiring a college educated tutor from TutorNerds. Contact us today!

10 Ways To Get On A Professors Good Side In Business School

10 Ways To Get On A Professors Good Side In Business School 3. Sit At The Front Of Class Sitting at the front of class and being engaged is a great way to show a professor that you are serious about their class and the subject. People are usually hesitant to sit in the front so it should not be a hardship to snag those seats. The professors are more likely to notice and engage with you in return. They’ll recognize who you are and look to you more often simply because you are closer to them. 4. Do Well In Class This should be a no-brainer suggestion. You will not succeed in business school if you are doing poorly in class and you certainly will not make headway with a professor if you are flunking out of their class. You have a lot of resources available to you even your professor is a resource to use if you are struggling with the material. You do not have a good excuse to do poorly in class at that point. Do well, shine bright, and stand out to your professors. 5. Go To Office Hours Use your professors’ office hours. They weren’t set because the professors felt like sitting alone in their offices a couple of hours every week. They want to help you and they want to get to know you. Office hours are a time for both of those things. Show your devotion and engagement by showing up. Have questions prepared and be ready to discuss important topics. Don’t make it obvious (or just don’t go) for the simple reason of networking. Try to get to know your professor better as a person and show yourself off to your best advantage. 6. Keep Your Parents Out Of It Business school is about learning to be professional in a job sector that is celebrated for its professionalism. So you need to make sure that your parents are not interfering or getting involved in your schoolwork. You need to be your own champion. There’s nothing like an over-involved parent contesting grades or demanding better treatment and opportunities for their child to turn a professor off. 7. Be On Your Best Behavior Sometimes doing well in your class is not enough. There are lots of students in business school that make good grades. What stands out is being a conscientious student who pays attention, participates, and is engaged. This is particularly important in one-on-one meetings. Do not whip your phone out and check your messages, be dressed inappropriately for a meeting, and do not beg for better grades. Treat your professors how you yourself would want to be treated and dealt with. 8. Get Involved If there is a professor that you are particularly interested in getting to know or getting on their good side, then find out if they are involved with or chair any organizations. Aside from providing you with a good learning experience, helping you to network with your peers, and bolstering your resume for post business school job hunts, they’ll give you an opportunity to work more closely with a professor on something that they are obviously very passionate about. 9. Attend Outside Events Another great way to get on the good side of your professors in business school is to attend any lectures or forums outside of class that they may be participating in. Be attentive. Ask questions. Aside from learning new things, you’ll also show the professor how much you care and that you truly want to learn and have an interest in the subject. 10. Be Yourself While it might seem paradoxical from what you’ve been told before, you should still be yourself when dealing with professors. You want to form real relationships with your professors and you cannot do that if you are not being yourself. You just want to show yourself off to your advantage and show them the best version of you that you can be. Learn more about Kaplan’s test prep options and start building the confidence you need for Test Day.